Print Detail

Guitar using Plastisol flat hand print
Hand Print detail:

This type of hand print is as the same as the beatles t-shirt hand print that can't be ironed and it shines when it reflected by light. (read the beatles hand print detail for more information)

jenis sablonan ini sama seperti jenis sablonan beatless yang tidak dapat distrika dan mengkilap kalau terkena cahaya. (baca beatless detail)

POP alphabet using Foam + the word GL Quaret hand print
Hand Print Detail:

The word "POP" in this t-shirt are used with Foam hand print (this type of hand print made the letters arise and people can feel when they touch it)
The words under the "POP" word are used with GL Quaret (this type of hand print are different from foam that the words result are flat)

tulisan P O P menggunakan sablonan Foam (jenis sablonan timbul yg membuat tulisan dapat terasa jika tersentuh)
kalimat dibawah alphabet menggunakan GL Quaret (jenis sablonan yg tidak timbul namun terasa jika disentuh)

Beatless using Plastisol Flat hand print
Hand Print Detail:

This t-shirt are used with Plastisol flat hand print (the result are shiny when it reflected by light and this type of hand print can't be ironed)

Beatless menggunakan sablonan plastisol jenis flat (yg mengkilap jika terkena cahaya dan jenis sablonan ini tidak dapat distrika.)

Barcode is using Fosfor hand print
Hand Print Detail :

Barcode t-shirt used fosfor hand print (this type of hand print can release light/glow if it is used in a dark area, in other words it is called as "Glow In The Dark"

Barcode menggunakan jenis sablonan fosfor (jenis sablonan ini dapat mengeluarkan cahaya jika di tempat gelap, atau biasa disebut 'Glow In The Dark'

The Photos are using separation print method, and the text are using GL Quaret method.
Hand Print Detail:

The photograph are used seperation hand print, this hand print are used ordinary ink so people can't feel it when they touch the photograph.
The words are used GL Quaret hand print and it can't be ironed

untuk fotonya menggunakan sablonan separasi, jenis sablonan separasi adalah menggunakan tinta biasa, tidak terasa jika dipegang.
sedangkan untuk tulisannya menggunakan GL Quaret, jenis sablonan yang tidak dapat disetrika. 

Girl using flocking and super white hand print
Hand Print Detail:

The hair of the girl are used flocking hand print, this type of hand print that is velvet-like, looks like a real hair.
The rest other than the hair, are used super white hand print, it is not shiny and it can be ironed

bagian rambut dari gambar cewek ini menggunakan jenis sablonan flocking, jenis sablonan yg brudu gitu, kalo dipegang kayak berambut.
sisanya selain rambut, menggunakan jenis sablonan super white, super white jenis sablon biasa yang tidak mengkilap dan dapat disetrika.

This T-Shirt are using discharge hand print
Hand Print Detail:

This t-shirt is used dicharge hand print, where the color of the t-shirt are absorbed by the hand print and replaced with the color of the hand print. This type of hand print, if you wash it often the color will be better. When the color gets better, it means that the hand print are fused with the t-shirt and it feels and looks like its not done with hand print.

menggunakan jenis sablonan discharge, yang mana, warna kaosnya diserap dan diganti dengan warna sablonan, jenis sablonan ini, jika semakin sering dicuci semakin bagus dan jika semakin bagus artinya sablonan sudah menyatu dengan kaos dan tidak terasa seperti disablon.